Sunday, September 13, 2009


i want to live there and have one hundred doggies. its so pretty - I've never seen anything like it. there were actually men in striped shirts playing accordians.
On saturday we went to Murano, the glass-blowing island in Venice. We watched a man make a glass horse in like 2 seconds - it was confusing. But Murano was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. It looked like a movie set! I bought a bracelet and a little elephant and a little hedgehog, all glass-blown. I got SO many pictures this weekend that I'm going to upload on Monday at school.
After school monday we're going on a wine tasting tour through tuscany so I'm assuming that will be pleasant. I'm definitely ready to get to Rome, though. And i'm really excited for my parents to comeeeee.
We leave for Munich a week from Thursday and still have no idea how we're going to get there....i'm sure we will eventually. We decided that a bunch of us are going to the Cinque Terre for amandas birthday the weekend of October 18th. I'm SO excited - its supposed to be beautiful.

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